
As a trauma-informed psychic healer, business mentor & energetics expert, I have a weird combination of rational and spiritual skills and knowledge to help you reach that next level.

Let me help you heal your sh*t and manifest an epic LIFE and BUSINESS.


The Pluto Portal Rebirth Session
Get The Recording

Get the recording

Get the recording of the Pluto Portal Rebirth Session from the 19th of November 2024

Join the waitlist

Join me on this EPIC journey like no other, and prepare yourself for this life-changing adventure. Get ready for some crazy experiences, deep healing, and powerful growth. 1 retreat will be in Mexico and 1 retreat will be in Colombia.

Join The Soul Community

The Soul Community; a membership for your feminine soul…

Free guidance for an epic LIFE

I want to see you SHINE and finally start owning ALL that you are!

Masterclass: Is this it?

This masterclass is for you if you're currently not happy with where you are in life and you want to find your purpose.

Masterclass: Intentions

This masterclass is for you if you want to learn how to set your intentions and manifest.

Masterclass: Lovingly let go

This masterclass is for you if you're in the proces of a breakup or divorce and want to learn the 13 steps how to let go.

Listen to my podcast

If you rather read and want to start your journey with me then download this ebook and find out the 5 steps to start your manifestation journey.

Download my

Free guidance for an epic BUSINESS

Every level has a new devil, and I am here to teach, coach, and mentor you at every level of your business

Masterclass: Grateful

In this masterclass you will learn how I earned my first 100K in 9 months without a team or a website!

How to choose a kick-ass magnetic name for your offer?

You'll get this lesson from my course Business Energetics for FREE.

Attraction Challenge (day 1)

Learn how to craft your messaging to attract the yummiest clients.

Masterclass The Abundant Entrepreneur

Learn the 10 reasons why you are not selling as a coach/healer/service provider

Listen to my podcast The Pyjama CEO

I am ready for more!

Programs for an epic LIFE


The Soul Community

The Soul Community is a journey to drop your weapons and connect to your feminine soul


Checkout my masterclasses

Embark on a transformative journey with the KURA masterclasses. From relationships to manifesting, letting go, trauma-informed healing, and beyond – each session is carefully curated to empower you on your path to a more fulfilling life.

The KURA MANIFESTATION PROGRAM is a unique trauma-informed, moon powered online manifestation program designed to teach high-achieving souls how to manifest with joy, peace and grace!

The program will give you both the rational and practical steps of manifesting. And the spiritual connectedness to manifest the life of your dreams.


Join The KURA Manifestation Program

In this course I’ll teach you the basics of business energetics. We’re talking feminine energy, masculine energy, basics of energetic selling, calibrating your energy, embodying knowledge, avoiding dissatisfaction and much more..

After this course you will know what is needed to sell with ease so you can attract the abundance in your business that you’re longing for!

BONUS lesson: How to start offering a high-end offer?

Programs for an epic BUSINESS


Business energetics


The Wealthy Rebel

The WEALTHY Rebel Program is here to help you see what is blocking your abundance more clearly and to teach you what is needed to heal those core programs regarding money in your business.

Learn how to heal your money wounds and bring your business to that next level!

Learn how to have the UNIVERSE as your business coach. 

Enter this ONE YEAR vortex and learn how to collapse time and quantum leap into the wealthiest version of you!
In this Mastermind, we will go deep and fast to emerge stronger and wealthier than ever!

Learn to EMERGE  into the entrepreneur that you were meant to be.

Are you the powerful entrepreneur that wants to help change this world with your business?


EMERGE mastermind

Read my story here